Fatimid Imam al-Mu’izz: “I have responsibility… as your Imam…My concern…lies…in what protects your lives, makes your lands prosper…”

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Named after the Prophet’s daughter, the Fatimids established their empire in 909 in North Africa when Imam al-Mahdi was proclaimed Caliph. The Fatimid Caliphate remained in North Africa during the reign of Imams al-Mahdi (r. 909-934), al-Qa‘im (r. 934-946), and al-Mansur (r. 946-953). In 973, Imam al-Mu’izz (r. 953-975) transferred the capital of the empire to Cairo, a city he founded.

The Fatimids established a network of trade routes through the Red Sea, eventually gaining control of international trade between the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean, thereby increasing revenues and contributing to the economy. A flourishing agriculture sector, as a result of Imam al-Muizz’s reforms, and domestically produced goods added to the state revenues.

Through the efforts of the Fatimids, their capital became a flourishing centre of scholarship, sciences, art and culture, in addition to playing a prominent role in international trade and commerce.

Daftary states, “All in all, the Fatimid period marked not only a glorious age in Ismaili history, but also one of the greatest eras in Egyptian and Islamic histories, and as such, a milestone in the development of Islamic civilisation.”

Although most of the literary corpus of the Fatimid dynasty has not survived directly, this material was preserved partially by later historians such as al-Maqrizi (d. 1442), who produced the most extensive account of the Fatimids in several of his works particularly the Itti‘az al-hunafa’ bi-akhbar al-a’imma al-Fatimiyyin al-khulafa’ (Lessons for the Seekers of Truth on the History of the Fatimid Imams and Caliphs). The Itti‘az was devoted exclusively to Fatimid history.

al-maqrizi fatimids
al-Maqrizi’s Itti‘az al-hunafa. The Institute of Ismaili Studies.

From al-Maqrizi’s Itti’az al-hunafa:
“One cold blustery winter’s day in al-Mansuriyya, al-Mu’izz summoned several Kutama shaykhs….He stood in a large square room carpeted in felt, wearing a robe over his clothes. Open doors led to a library…. Then he said:

“…I thought of sending for you so that you could see what I do when I am away from you and far from your eyes. My status exceeds your only because I have responsibility over your affairs on earth and because God has singled me out as your Imam. I busy myself with letters from the east and the west to which I respond in my own hand.

My concern with the pleasures of the world lies solely in what protects your lives, makes your lands prosper, vanquishes your enemies and subdues your opponents.

So when you are on your own O shaykhs, do as I do. Do not be haughty and imperious, lest God withdraw His favour from you and bestow it on others. Show compassion to your subordinates who have no access to me, just as I am compassionate with you. In this manner benevolence may abound, virtue may prevail and justice may thrive among the people…”
Fatimid Caliph Imam al-Mu’izz


I have been involved in the field of development for nearly four decades. This engagement has been grounded in my responsibilities as Imam of the Shia Ismaili  Community, and Islam’s message of the fundamental unity of “din and dunia,” of spirit and of life. Throughout its long history, the Ismaili Imamat has emphasised the importance of activities that reflect the social conscience of Islamthat contribute to the well being of Allah’s greatest creation – mankind, and the responsibility which Islam places on the fortunate and the strong to assist those less fortunate.”
Mawlana Hazar Imam Aga Khan IV
Annual Meeting of The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development 
Tashkent, Uzbekistan, May 5, 2003
Speech at AKDN

IIS Publishes Arabic Critical Edition of al-Maqrizi’s Itti‘az al-hunafa’
Farhad Daftary, The Ismailis Their History and Doctrines, Second Edition, Cambridge University Press, 1990